Hi! I'm not sure whether this post was directed at a specific individual or everyone generally, but I'd be happy to oblige and help a brother out if the time comes : )
Thanks, Jayne. This is only a partial list of dumbass behaviors I want to avoid. No doubt there are many others to which I have been blind, and of which I will now be reminded.
(Are these word verification challenges getting more complicated? This one was clsyapkd. Hard to read, too.)
Are you really worried about doing these things, or are they the things that bug the crap out of you that other people do? Based on what I know of you, I can't imagine I'd ever be tempted to aim my boot at your sweet ass.
Larry Jones is one of the millions of post-World War 2 baby boomers being dragged screaming into maturity. He is a rock musician and songwriter, holds a college degree in Semantics, is an amateur moviemaker, a political subversive, a lover of animals, women, blues and technology (not necessarily in that order), a genius and a curmudgeon.
Hi! I'm not sure whether this post was directed at a specific individual or everyone generally, but I'd be happy to oblige and help a brother out if the time comes : )
Thanks, Jayne. This is only a partial list of dumbass behaviors I want to avoid. No doubt there are many others to which I have been blind, and of which I will now be reminded.
(Are these word verification challenges getting more complicated? This one was clsyapkd. Hard to read, too.)
You missed "if I put mesmerizing rings behind my head." :P What's with the Rod Serling treatment, mysterioso?
Are you really worried about doing these things, or are they the things that bug the crap out of you that other people do? Based on what I know of you, I can't imagine I'd ever be tempted to aim my boot at your sweet ass.
Steph - The rings are meant to mesmerize you. I'm not mysterious.
Theresa - These things don't always bug the crap out of me when others do them. Some people wear leather pants better than others.
Nice of you to say.
sighed, Another Mr. Nice Guy in Dark Apparel.
Damn, can FedEx deliver an ass kicking? Do you have to get insurance on that? Hummm. Some how, I think you are always going to keep it real.
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